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Logistic services

  • Daily Shipment

    It allows the customer to receive the products ordered during the day the next morning, if the daily order is made within the set time and with the default characteristics.
  • Crossdocking

    The customer is offered the chance to take advantage of LTL as an arrival point for several shipments.
  • Fulfilment

    LTL is able to manage minimum stock supply, sending supplies to the customer according to the required specifications.
  • Consigment stock

    La merce in conto deposito (in inglese Consignment Stock) è una tecnica di gestione delle scorte da parte del fornitore utilizzata soprattutto in una rete di vendita internazionale. La merce rimane di proprietà del fornitore finché questa non viene prelevata dal cliente seppur stoccata nel deposito del cliente stesso